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Minecraft IGN: zCasperrr Age (Prefer 16+): 13, but please still consider me, I am just as mature and respectful as a 16 year old! Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of Norh America):Central Standard Time Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in MineTown (Needs to be More than 2 months) I play Minecraft about 40-50 hours a week, and have been on Minetown for roughly 3 months! Friends in Minetown: lucaslower, A3Modz, PokemonMewTwo, SwaGare, Odarus, Destroyer1239, kutha, DanniDorrito, Leo, XCoaster, bennett020, MattGehring, and basically everyone on Minetown! Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Actually, yes. I had an account mishap and i was banned, though the issue was resolved quickly and everything is back to normal and is guaranteed to never happen again. Do you have any ideas for future events?: I have MANY ideas for future events! One idea is to have like a big course that goes upward and everyone races to the top for a prize, and the first one to make it to the top, gets the prize! The course would be filled with many traps and puzzzles! Have you done any unofficial events? Please provide screenshots: Yes I have! I hosted and made the Metro Parkour Event: And I am currently working on a HUGE event, with help from lucaslower, called "The Temple Raid"! Have you ever helped staff with events?: Sadly, no because I have never had the chance to! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object> Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Absolutely! Do you have any experience using World Edit and region flags?: Yes, I am VERY good at World Edit, and know almost every region flag there is! Why do you think you will make a good Events Member? Explain.: As i have said, I love doing events, and will always do them! I love to have fun on Minetown and enforce the rules when neccessary! I think i would be a great addition to the Events member because I fit all the neccessary things needed and will always improve the Events community for others! Why should we consider you for the event team: I love doing events and will continue doing them as long as I am on Minetown, I always strive to make Minetown as fun for players as possible by having really fun events, yet I always enforce the rules! Being Event staff is more than just being part of the Event staff, it's being part of the Minetown staff as a whole, and helping to make the community a better place, for new players, and the veterans. And if I were to become part of the Events staff, I would help Minetown achieve this goal, and many others! Additional info you would like to tell us?: I really hope to be picked to be part of the Event staff! I am just as mature as any 16 year old, and behave as one. I always enforce the rules, but love to have fun in doing so! I also have lots of experience with events and will do many more in the future!
over 12 years ago
I'm 99% positive that Spoutcraft is allowed, since it does not contain any bannable mods such as X-Ray or anything like that!
over 12 years ago
The clan/town Metro will be holding a parkour event with a prize of $5000 MTC (Minetown Credits) to the winner! The event will take place at 12:00 PM Central Time on August 1st. The event will be hosted by me, zCasperrr with lucaslower as a referee watching to make sure no one is cheating! I will advertise the event 30 minutes before it starts just to get some last minute people. Here are some screen shots of the event! The warp to the event is at /warp Metroparkour The course was designed by me, zCasperrr.
over 12 years ago
Hmmmmm I'm pretty excited for Windows 8 and this app!!!! Go lucas! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>
over 12 years ago
Look, I understand that I might get in trouble for this but, please give HDSlide another chance! I know he was just mad at me and he wouldn't do it again. Just please consider unbanning him! I will take any punishment for commenting on this appeal....
over 12 years ago